Inspired by, I tried to turn the game into a 1v1, player vs Boss.


This game has three short levels.

You move your Blob, and can eat Blobs of a smaller size. Be careful though, because blobs bigger than you can eat you!

The game's speed is relative to your blobs size, this was to make the game harder as you got bigger. Unfortunately, I am not the happiest with this time mechanic. Perhaps if it were tweaked more it could seem more fair.

Spikes can eat you if you are smaller than them, or they will pop you if you are bigger! When spikes eat too much, they pop themselves.


Retrospective: This is my first game jam. I have had issues finishing projects in the past, so I thought a game jam might help me resolve that. I did this solo as I don't take pressure easily, and I didn't want others to rely on me.

I am not too happy with this game, specifically from a gameplay design point of view. I like the idea of bigger things moving slower than you, and vice versa, but I don't really think that translates too well when trying to make a game more bullet helly. Maybe if it were less extreme? Right now you win or lose really quickly as soon as you start to grow - I do feel like there is a solution but I would need more time to experiment. Perhaps designing bosses more based on this - instead of standard simple bullet hell patterns.
Or maybe that idea should be removed entirely. Otherwise, the bosses, albeit simple, mostly function. Some attacks are slightly jank, but those could have been polished out given more time.

I think you can have fun with this game for five minutes or so, which is better than zero minutes!

The code is a little bit jank, I'm not super familiar with game engines, or the best practises associated with them. I think I'd have to learn those through trial and error. Otherwise, the code is available here:
And my project is under a public domain like license, do what you want with it.

I'm proud to have finished this game, even if I'm not too happy with it (I'm glad its over with), but to finally have a project finished and released is way more progress than I have made in the past decade.


Chomp the Blobs.7z 18 MB

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